It's November? What?! When did this happen? I'm not complaining, though. I find November to be quite the mediocre month. A pretty solid balance between the happy and the sad. Happy November = big sister's birthday, the prime time of crunchy and colorful leaves, leftover Halloween candy, the end of obnoxious political ads on TV, killer sales on fall clothing, primetime Facebook material of Halloween photos, and the anticipation of Grandma's Thanksgiving mashed potatoes. Not so happy November = Black Friday is forecasted to come WAY early and this year I'm working in retail, Republicans are looking likely to take over the New York political scene, and snow tires. And really, Mother Nature, you couldn't hold back the half-hour of sharp sleet until the kiddies were done trick-or-treating last night? Cruel.
Guster. My hands down favorite band since 9th grade. Why do I love them? Because they make videos and songs like
this and people use their songs to make videos like
this. Last weekend marked my 5th time seeing the boys play live. And on this monumental occasion was the opportunity to get up close and personal with Ryan, Brian the ThunderGod (he plays with his hands!), Adam, and their newest member
Luke Reynolds! Thanks to familial connections (through marriage, Luke Reynolds and I are related!) and a coincidental run-in in downtown Ithaca, I got the chance to hang out with Luke a little bit and meet Ryan and Brian after the show, get autographs and pictures, and even taping a video message for my twin sis, a fellow Gusterrhoid who missed the show since she's doing awesomewaycool things like teaching English in South Korea. To put it lightly, I flipped. After running into Luke Reynolds in front of the State Theater the afternoon of the show and introducing myself (despite the fact we're family, we hadn't met yet) and making plans to have a meet-and-greet after the concert, I was on a crazy high for the rest of the day. Shaking and heart pumping and all that. ```Not only was I still psyched that I had a personal connection, but I get crazy star-struck. This was probably the equivalent of any 13-18 year-old girl meeting Robert Pattinson (sleezeball) or my friend's mom meeting Bruce Springsteen.
Jammin' on the State Theater Stage |
Luke Reynolds! |
Sup Ryan Miller |
It was also a balmy 70 degrees all weekend, making for a perfect day for idol musican meet-and-greets and thrift-store shopping for my Halloween costumes. A kick-butt weekend indeed!
Less materialistic highlights of the weekend: photographing my grandma's house and the incredibly eco-friendly community where my one of my sisters lives. There's nothing like Ithaca in the falltime, I'm telling you: