27 March 2011

Chocobacon, sawed 12-packs, & cupcakes

Food and drink adventures lately:

Chocolate covered bacon lollipops.  I saw it on a menu and I just couldn't NOT try it. I mean, it's two of my favorite things to eat, so it couldn't be too bad.  BF was a little more disgusted by the idea, but he was also brave enough to take a bit.  The verdict for both of us was that it wasn't bad, but wasn't great.  Often when you combine two foods and flavors, something magical happens and it tastes like something new and fun and different.  In this case, however, it really just tasted like bacon dipped in chocolate.  Quite rich, as you can imagine.  But now I can say I've had it.  Many people can't.  Woop!

Drive-through liquor store?  This is a new concept to me, and seems a bit dangerous.  However not as bad as what I've heard exists in Texas, where they apparently have drive-through margarita venues.  Anyways, I did not have the guts to drive through myself, but what I found inside was just as strange.  Instead of a shopping store, as in you go and peruse the aisles and pick out what you want and then bring it up to a register, there was a counter blocked by huge plexiglass wall that spread from wall to wall.  The cashiers (who were all cute little Asian men, by the way) were also behind the plexiglass. They took my order, disappeared into the normal looking rows of liquor, got my beer, and put it in a lazy-susan kind of thing.  I put my cash on one side and twirled it around where he took it and put my bag on his side and twirled it over to me.  It was quite odd and felt like some kind of sketchy drug deal.  And the oddities continued when I opened the bag and discovered that my Yeungling six-pack was a 12-pack Yeungling case sawed in half.  Borderline illegal?  I think so.

DC Cupcakes!  I get so star struck, I was jumping for joy at just seeing the TLC sign in the window of Georgetown Cupcake.  Luckily we were there only a few minutes in the evening before close so we didn't stand in line for long at all.  I must say I was quite impressed with the speed and efficiency in which they took care of orders--a good system except for the immense pressure I felt to pick out six out of twenty-ish cupcakes in three minutes.  It's quite a task, but totally worth it.  Especially for the mint cookie one.  Oh. My.  Gosh.  Heaven in a cupcake.  (We also got red velvet, chocolate, pumpkin and vanilla birthday).  Before and after, perfect for a diptych:

Green tea flavored frozen yogurt.  Tangy, tea-like, refreshingly cold, and sweet considering the oreo crumb and strawberry topping.  Yummy!

And from my kitchen ...  I made tuna patties.  They were delicious and I was so proud of myself!


  1. I can't decide what I want to eat more... you are living a very delicious life down there!

  2. yesss <3 Georgetown Cupcakes (are they officially called DC Cupcakes now?)

  3. Oh man, chocolate covered bacon is AMAZING! I've splurged on a couple of those candy bars (made by Vosges, I think) and it's surprisingly delish.

    And I totally agree about the drive-thru liquor store being dangerous... I mean, can you imagine having that near a college? Yikes. And the sliced-in-half case of beer made me laugh!

    Looks like some seriously awesome food and beverages - yum!
