15 March 2011

I'm a Twit.

I am now on Twitter, folks.  Yes, I judged it at first, but two months of tweeting for my new job later, I am hooked.  I'm pretty much thinking in tweets now anyway.  Joys!  Now I can follow my few but favorite celebs, stalk Guster & other musicians with whom I'm obsessed, and creep even more on my friends than I do on Facebook.  I suspect my tweets will be something like my blog on crack, so maybe you should be afraid.  Or just find me so I can follow you and fill up my TweetDeck!

Find me at @abwalds!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Twitter!

    Also, I think I've seen Guster in concert at least four times. LOVE them.

    And yes, I'm a co-alum! Katelin's my BFF in real life and I found your blog through her on 20SB.

    DU love!
