30 September 2010

We were young, 21, all those years ago

*NOTE: I totally wrote this back in November, and for some reason it has remained a draft. Better late than never-- sorry, Guster!

I guess it's fan-based week for me. It's only appropriate to follow up Newsies with another entertainment loves of my life, in my hopes to introduce them to those who have not yet been fortunate enough to stumble upon them. Their names are Brian Rosenworcel, Adam Gardner, and Ryan Miller. They are Guster.

It's funny how the whole music fan thing works, isn't it? You find a band who you like for one reason or another--delightful harmonies, creative and relatable lyrics, hot bass player, your friends like them-- and then at some point, they become your "favorite" band. You know every single lyric, own every single version of every song they've ever recorded, seen them in concert as many times as you possibly can, and be sure to include at least one track on every mix you make. And you never get sick of them. For me, this band is Guster.

I can't really explain it. There's just something about them. I never even understood all of their lyrics--things went over my head when I was younger, and even now some of their stuff I just listen to and think, "what the hell?" Despite their off-the-wallness, their music always brings me a sense of comfort. Maybe it's because I've followed them since I was about 13, and seen them 5 (going on 6 in October!) times.  

I've been attached to their music for what feels like my whole life. So when I listen in my car, when I'm chilling at home, or in concert, it makes me feel whole and comfortable.  Like I'm right where I am supposed to be.  Certain songs remind me of moments and people in my life and everything just settles in my mind.  I stop worrying about the little things and just remember that everything is going to be okay.  And to me, that's exactly what music is supposed to do.  So, thanks, G-Dog.

Never heard of them? Let me introduce you.  This is from their newly released album.  Enjoy it in all its quirky glory.

28 September 2010

Carryin' the Bieber

Here I sit, reporting from a table for one at Panera. What can I say ...a broccoli & cheddar breadbowl and free public wifi are acceptable company when a big ol' gust of wind knocks out the power at your place when you're hungry, alone, and mid-entry. It's an occasion that calls for blogging!

This past weekend, I discovered what may be the best thing on Youtube since the Numa Numa guy: Audio/Video mash-ups of today's best (and worst) pop music with dance numbers from one of my absolute favorite movies of all time. I've known every single line and the note to every single instrumental number and every single lyric since I was about 10. I used to watch it constantly with my sisters, and when we weren't watching it, we were listening to the soundtrack and frolicking around the family room while pretending to be part of Jack Kelly's crew. That's right, I'm talking about the 1992 Disney musical classic Newsies.

When I began perusing the Newsies mash-up merchandise, there were a lot of promising ones to choose from: "Seize The Day" and "King of New York" dancing to Backstreet Boys, Kesha, Miley Cyrus, and Lady Gaga. However, thanks to some expert searching and some hints from fellow Newsies fans, I found the two winners:

And in second place, I am sorry to say, is the newsies flawlessly backing up Justin Bieber. Though the Biebmeister reminds me of a scrawy, scruffy, pig-nosed mouse who is constantly drowning in cargo and has the personality of a piece of mulch, I must admit that his songs are a liiiiitle bit catchy. I have been known to be caught humming a chorus or two. Especially after finding this video, which I've since been watching about 2-3 times an hour ...

Needless to say, I'm on a bit of Newsies kick since finding these vids. Not only did I watch the movie again and remember that it is the sole reason why I've always had an obsession with Christian Bale (despite his questionable behavior), but I also found out that a stage version is at last! in the woiks. Praise the musical heavens above! Gather up the cutest, most talented 20-something men, dress them in newsboy slacks and unbuttoned blouses and put them on stage to sing and dance for us. Yes please :).

As I conclude here with my soup and my meal, I pose this question: how do I eat this soup-soaked breadbowl without looking like a caveman?

"Oh, you mean JACK Kelly. Yeah, he was heah. But he put an egg in his shoe and ... beat it."

17 September 2010

Suns and sails

Let's be honest: there's nothing like a lake and a sailboat at dusk. I wish I had something more original to share, but alas, my inspiration is temporarily lost. It's somewhere out there, I know. But I'm keeping the promise I made to myself to update more often. So, for today, what I have to share today are a few beautiful photos of Momma Nature's own dose of inspiration.

I took these two weeks ago on Keuka Lake in upstate New York after a fantastic afternoon whizzing on a somewhat-choppy lake, flying in and out of wakes on a tube, and sipping beers on a deck chair with some fantastic company. So long, sweet summertime.

16 September 2010

Letter from Tim

(for new readers: Tim is a friend and blog-buddy who writes to us from Tilburg, Netherlands. Read his intro here. We welcome your thoughts!)

Dear Alison,

Now, I lit a cigarette for inspiration I think I can start off. It has been a while since we talked and some things happened last week that I want to share.

I bet you heard about the 'mosque' (apparently just an Islamic center) near Ground Zero and all those people protesting against it now. There was also a Dutch conservative/extreme right-wing politician, Geert Wilders, speeching there. I just wanted to apologise for that. I don't know about you, but I can't stand people who talk in the name of freedom with the goal of taking someone else's freedom (of religion in this particular case) away. I'll only quote him once: "Christians also wouldn't be allowed to build churches in Mekka, so that's why there should be no mosque here." But wait, what?! So if people don't have rights in Saudi Arabia, than they shouldn't be able to have those rights in the country that's been built upon freedom. Anyone who wants to hear the full speech, it's right here.

Now then, it's time for fun stuff I did at work. For the first time in my life I played golf, and it's fun! I got invited by a businessclub from the region I report on, so why say no, right? After some lessons there was a little contest over 4 holes of the golf course with 5 teams, 4 persons per team. The good news: we won and all got a bottle of champagne (yay)! Bad news: the day after every part of my body hurt -networking can be SO exhausting- But hey, already got over it :)

Yesterday (monday) there was this fair in one of the villages I report on: Reusel. And it's their tradition to have an early 'breakfast' which practically means eating ham and egg sandwiches and drinking beer from 10.00 am until the wee small hours of the morning. I joined them in the morning and it was actually fun, although I had to get used to drinking beer in the morning and having to work the rest of the day until 7.00 pm. There's a video right under here, and although it's in Dutch it'll give you a nice impression of what was going on.

I actually got a call from one of the people whom I gave my businesscard to. At 3.20 am!

It actually just started to rain here, so I'm afraid autumn is really coming up right now :( I hope everything is well back in the States. Take care!


08 September 2010

A New Beginning

It's been two months since my last post ... eesh. It's amazing how really gets in the way of writing about life! I am happy to report, though, that in my long hiatus I've been up to lots of exciting things--from a roadtrip to taking ballroom dance classes to studying for what better be the last of standardized tests for forever. As for writing ...though I wish I could have gotten on this earlier, I have an extra special excuse today to light the fire under my butt and spend more time doing some sold bloggin'. At sundown today begins the Jewish New Year, and I am making a resolution to be back and better than ever and help my still-baby blog grow. And helping me ring in the year 5771 is an introduction from Tim, my blogger-buddy from across the pond in Holland (read how Tim and I met and came up with this idea in one of my August entries here). Here he is!:

Hey everyone!

As you may know, or not, Alison and I are going to write to each other on both of our blogs.
We thought it would be good to start off with a little intro, so here we go!

I'm Tim, 24, and I live in Holland. Currently I'm working as a journalist for a regional newspaper in Eindhoven. I follow all the interesting stuff that happens in two municipalities with a total population of 30,000 people, and obviously, I write about it. Aside from that I try to keep up with all the big changes that are happening right now in both journalism and communication (think social media, Apple and other fun stuff).

About my hometown: it's called Tilburg and it's very near Eindhoven, the city I was born and raised. Tilburg is full of students and loads of fun to go out, but home is where the heart is I guess and that's why I'll probably move to Eindhoven soonish - when I find an apartment that is. Oh and talking about Eindhoven, it has the best football club in the country, PSV, and it's wherePhilips (from the lamps and tv's) started its business. Basically that's why it's a city now.

Me and Alison actually met in Perugia, Italy. I lived there for nine months (08-09), and take my word for it: it's paradise. Nine months of mayhem is probably a way to describe it. But -too bad- it couldn't last forever and so now we're living the serious life. Right, Alison? ;)

I hope you'll enjoy our writings that are to come!



This officially begins our project and blogging relationship, alongside a new year for me. I'm throwing bread into the canal, eating apples dipped in honey, and kissin' lots of cheeks, and cheering to (re-)beginnings. We need more cowbell! Or maybe some more shofar?