01 June 2010


Back at the blogging thing. I always seem to begin blogging again when I'm on some sort of adventure. The past two blog fire-ups happened when I was in Europe. This time, the adventure is a little less glamorous, a little more more long term and, I guess a little more real. For real. Now that I'm a real person in the real world with a real apartment in a real city with a real internship paying real rent checks, I hope I can still find sanity and joy in writing about it. My blog has always been as much for me as it is for anyone who reads this (anyone? are you out there?), and that's what it's going to continue to be, hopefully.

The plans for this blog:
a) Freewrite. Not many edits or re-reads. Random chronology, random subjects, random format, random audience, random words.
b) Post photos. Often. Will be used for motivation to keep my camera with me at all times.
c) Updates often.

And FYI, to begin, the title of my blog comes from a song by Ben Folds. A line I've always loved from the song "Fired"-- "She says, 'everywhere I go, damn, there I am!'" It's a good way to think about where you end up and why you're there. I believe that everything happens for a reason so wherever I end up is where I meant to be at that moment. A bit floofy? Whatevs.

I am going to get things going with a couple random entries that I've had saved on my computer for months when I had a moment of inspiration to write but no desire to set up a blog but I wrote them anyway. Some of them are unfinished because I got distracted or lost my moment of eloquence or something. Here goes.

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