08 October 2010

Extreme Template Makeover

Welcome to my new and improved blog page!  In honor of the changing season, I've added a new color scheme and two new tabbed pages to spice it up.  Mmm, spice.  Doesn't that word always make you think of autumn? When I hear the word "spice", I think of sweet spicy things like pumpkin-flavored coffee, apple cider, and apple crisp.  Something that's sassy, sharp, and stands up for itself, but has a soft side because it's so delicious.  Mmm.  That's kind of how Fall feels, now that I think about it.  Because of the changing colors, it makes a loud and proud entrance and everybody knows it's fall.  Temperatures are perfect for a cozy sweater and scarf outdoors in daytime, but once the sun sets and sets the already on-fire canopy scenery ablaze--that's my favorite part--it become surprisingly and sometimes bitterly cold.  And the season is ironically beautiful.  The trees are the most beautiful when they are dying.  And it's the big, fat warning that a blistery, slippery, shivery winter is on the way.  And, considering the lack of moderation or pattern of weather in my hometown, it's probably coming in about three weeks.

Damn, autumn makes me into a sloppy poet.

Since the date of Fall equinox rarely coincides with what actually feels like Fall-- it's either still 85 degrees or we already have a foot of snow-- I have my own marker of the beginning of the season: the leather, cognac brown, knee-high boots have left the back of my closet and have taken their first amble around town.  I declare it officially Fall!  Happy boots-wearing, leaf-pile-jumping, and apple-cider-drinking!

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