03 November 2010

I say po-tay-to.

My kitchen and cupboards have been full of lovely (and some unlikely) surprises lately.  These wonderful and unique discoveries made me extra glad I have taste buds.  I hope that you, oh-mighty-reader, either already have or will experience at least one of them in your lifetime:

- My microwave has a baked potato button.   A big, fat button that says "BAKED POTATO."  And it heats a patoot to perfection.  INGENIOUS! How I've been living in this house for a few months unbeknownst to the baked potato button, I don't know ... especially considering the borderline unhealthy percentage of my diet that is potatoes.  All I know is, this button will probably change the way (and significantly reduce the time, effort and skill) I prepare my beloved potato.  And when the blessed day comes when I need to buy my very own microwave, I now have a feature that will make or break my purchase.

- Baked Lentil Chips.  Yes, Lentil chips.  Chips made out of lentils and adzuki beans (whatever those are). But they are crunchy, healthy, and delicious, and go wonderfully with everything from hummus and french onion dip to sandwiches to soup.  They are also gluten free, all natural, and full o' fiber.  Whodathunk?!  Thanks for being a health freak, mom!

- Trader Joe's Pounds Plus Dark Chocolate.  It's just like what it sounds.  A full 1.2 pounds of nothing but solid, sweet, dark chocolate.  So thick that it takes some muscle to break off a piece and strong teeth to bite your selected chunk, but the effort is totally worth it.

- Imagine Natural Creation's organic creamy soups. Cream-free vegetable soups more delicious than any of that condensed business.  And it comes in box, which in my experience, always yields better soup than a can.  And they come in so many of my favorite creamy soup flavors including broccoli, butternut squash, tomato (sprinkled with some pepper and basil with a grilled cheese sandwich for dipping = perfection), and of course, po-tay-to!

... Does anyone actually say "po-tah-to"?


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UonMvtstWc

  2. hahaha Maddie i love it! boil em mash em stick em in a stew

  3. guess what? the Korean word for tomato is pronounce to-mah-to.
