01 June 2011

Happy birthday, Blog!

A year ago today, this blog was born. Though with three short entries, it was the beginning of something that has kept me motivated to think, reflect, and write, and I'm glad for it.  I remember the day well-- it was the first night in the summer apartment I was subletting in North Carolina, anticipating the next day, for it would be my first day interning with the American Dance Festival.   It was ridiculously hot and humid outside and inside (similar to where I am today), and I was content, nervous, and excited looking forward to what was in store for me.  It was an amazing summer.  Again, not too different to where I am now, a year later, in an exciting new place with an open road in front of me.

In this year, I've made some blogosphere friends and found writers like me who inspire me to write about whatever the heck I want, through 20something Bloggers and others. I've also learned a lot about myself.  So, here's to hoping I can continue to inspire myself and others with this blogness business as the years go on.

How to celebrate?  By postponing until I have time to write a real entry instead of being on Blogger when I'm at the office?  Sure.  In the interim, I'll leave my blog with a photo of a delicious-looking birthday cupcake.  A big thank you to my readers-- friends, family, random people who stumble upon my site, blog friends who I hope to someday meet in person, and even the haters (because I have so many).


  1. Happy first year blogging! I hope there are many more awesome posts and years for you in the blogosphere.

    PS - You will be happy to know that our alma mater is as awesome as ever. :)
